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Primary Issuer Ticker Title Primary Analyst Release date
Chart Industries GTLS    Please login to view title    Stine, Eric 2012-09-11
Spectranetics SPNC    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-09-10
Move MOVE    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-09-10
Integrated Device Technology IDTI    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2012-09-10
Titan Machinery TITN    Please login to view title    Dyer, Steven 2012-09-10
Zillow ZG    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-09-10
Integrated Device Technology IDTI    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2012-09-05
Calavo Growers CVGW    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-09-05
OCZ Technology OCZ    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2012-09-05
Heckmann Corporation HEK    Please login to view title    Stine, Eric 2012-09-04
Acadia Healthcare ACHC    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-09-04
Capstone Turbine CPST    Please login to view title    Stine, Eric 2012-09-04
Glu Mobile GLUU    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-09-03
Skyworks Solutions SWKS    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2012-09-03
Chart Industries GTLS    Please login to view title    Stine, Eric 2012-09-03
OmniVision OVTI    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2012-08-30
Dycom Industries DY    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2012-08-29
Xcerra XCRA    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2012-08-29
Transgenomic TBIO    Please login to view title    Hewitt, Matthew 2012-08-28
LivaNova PLC LIVN    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-08-27

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