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Primary Issuer Ticker Title Primary Analyst Release date STMP    Please login to view title    Sutton, George 2012-10-25
eHealth EHTH    Please login to view title    Sutton, George 2012-10-25
Steiner Leisure STNR    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25 WEB    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25
Cogentix Medical, Inc. CGNT    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25
Integer Holding Corp. ITGR    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25
Proto Labs PRLB    Please login to view title    Dyer, Steven 2012-10-25
Teradyne TER    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2012-10-25
Datalink DTLK    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25
Cimpress N.V. CMPR    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25
Applied Micro Circuits AMCC    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2012-10-25
Echo Global Logistics ECHO    Please login to view title    Sutton, George 2012-10-25
Town Sports International CLUB    Please login to view title    n/a 2012-10-25
SPS Commerce SPSC    Please login to view title    Van Rhee, Jeff 2012-10-25
Fusion-io FIO    Please login to view title    Shannon, Richard 2012-10-24
Lithia Motors LAD    Please login to view title    Dyer, Steven 2012-10-24 SPRT    Please login to view title    Bennett, Chad 2012-10-24
TriQuint Semiconductor TQNT    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2012-10-24
Entropic Communications ENTR    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2012-10-24
Entegris ENTG    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2012-10-24

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