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Primary Issuer Ticker Title Primary Analyst Release date
Extreme Networks EXTR    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2014-01-22
NetScout Systems NTCT    Please login to view title    Bennett, Chad 2014-01-22
Fusion-io FIO    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2014-01-22
HealthStream HSTM    Please login to view title    Hewitt, Matthew 2014-01-22
Western Digital Corporation WDC    Please login to view title    Schwab, Christian 2014-01-22
Nuance Communications NUAN    Please login to view title    Van Rhee, Jeff 2014-01-21
TravelCenters of America TA    Please login to view title    n/a 2014-01-21
Saba Software SABA    Please login to view title    Bennett, Chad 2014-01-21
Coastal Contacts COA    Please login to view title    n/a 2014-01-21
PetMed Express PETS    Please login to view title    n/a 2014-01-20
Ruckus Wireless RKUS    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2014-01-19
Integer Holding Corp. ITGR    Please login to view title    n/a 2014-01-16
Spectranetics SPNC    Please login to view title    n/a 2014-01-16
Streamline Health STRM    Please login to view title    Hewitt, Matthew 2014-01-16
Acadia Healthcare ACHC    Please login to view title    n/a 2014-01-16
Skyworks Solutions SWKS    Please login to view title    Stoss, Anthony 2014-01-16
Meridian Bioscience VIVO    Please login to view title    Bonello, Bill 2014-01-15
Datalink DTLK    Please login to view title    Bennett, Chad 2014-01-14
Stratasys SSYS    Please login to view title    Dyer, Steven 2014-01-14
General Motors GM    Please login to view title    Dyer, Steven 2014-01-14

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